Hear From Past Flight Members
Ralph Pacheco
I would like to thank all that made this happen, yes it happened. I was so surprised at how I and others received the love, yes the love and devotion we were given. There are no words to say thank you for the affection that was given to us. My name is Ralph Pacheco, I say thank you to all that participated in this loving and giving to those who never received the love they needed when they arrived from a war zone! Thank you from my heart, Ralph Pacheco.
Ismael Vergara
Dear Arlene, I want to express my most sincere appreciation. I was a participant in the Honor Flight that took place on April 13th 2024. This was one of the most amazing and emotional experiences of my life. Everything was handled to perfection and exceeded my by far means my expectations. The Guardian that was assigned to me, Cathi Servideo, was a heaven sent angel. Her dedication, kindness and gentleness made my day even more amazing. She went above and beyond to make my experience unforgettable. I have no words to express my appreciation towards this organization and all volunteers that are involved. We serve our country as an act of selflessness and we do not expect recognition or appreciation, but it sure felt great to see so many people honor and recognize us through their acts of kindness.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Ismael Vergara.
Gilbert Lenchu
To begin with I was in total awe at the airport upon our return from DC. I must thank Arlene Frankel as well as Andrea. Arlene, you put it all together.
50 plus years ago all of us who wore the uniform were called “baby killers” and spat upon. The Honor Flight reception was like stepping into a new world of military acceptance. You make us proud, and veterans have lived long enough to see the public’s opinion change toward us. I can honestly speak for those that died during those 50 years and they would say how grateful they are to know an organization such as yours exists.
I have only one regret on that wonderful night, while reviewing the video I didn’t notice a little 5 year old girl who wanted to shake my hand as I walked past her. Other than that, it was a life loving experience to salute you all. PS – I convinced my friend, army Vietnam vet, Larry of Davie to go on the next flight. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME SO MUCH JOY.
Mike McLoughlin
Dear Arlene,
I would like to thank you and your amazing group for an overwhelmingly emotional experience on the Honor Flight to Washington, DC.
From the police escort to the Ft. Lauderdale airport, the flight to BWI. and the excellent active duty military escorts and Maryland Police escort to DC. The Organization and coordination of such an effort was truly awesome.
The monuments in DC, Iwo Jima, the Vietnam Memorial brought many emotional memories from the buried recesses of my brain. The Korean War Memorial, hauntingly reinforced those memories. The delicious meals gave a break from the intensity.
Mail call at 3000 ft was yet another surprise. Letters from my sister in NYC, and Brother (Navy pilot vet) in California, were a big surprise as were the politicians letters, and the notes from school kids. I hope to respond to a few of those.
The saluting fire trucks and the reception at all FLL was a thorough shock. Seeing Debbie Wasserman Schulz and more active Military in uniform brought back the memories experienced in DC. But the huge crowd of civilians shaking my hand and welcoming me home, only fifty years later, brought tears and a cathartic reaction to me that I have not yet fully understood. The entire trip was exhausting, but a positively existential, beautiful experience.
Again, thank you all, Sincerely, Mike McLoughlin.
Cristobal Rivera
Wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the very special sympathy and dedicated work each one of your team provided to my son, myself and all the other Vietnam veterans on your recent trip to Washington DC.
It was outstanding and almost incredible to experience the perfect coordination and flawless work of all your group. As a Vietnam war combat veteran, this trip made me very proud, humbled, and overwhelmingly happy receiving such a surprising and beautiful welcome. On behalf of my family please receive the greatest “God Blessings” and forever thanks and appreciations.
Forever grateful, Cristobal Rivera.
Peter Schubert
It was a privilege to be a participant of an HONOR FLIGHT to Washington DC on Saturday
9-17-2022. While it was a beautiful, patriotic day, the real emotions of the event did not catch up to me until the next day. As I sat back in the quiet setting of my home, I realized what a great country we really live in. It’s sad that we (self included) take so much for granted, especially our freedom. Reading and touching many of the memorials confirmed that a very heavy price was paid by thousands of men and women since the beginning of our country.
I wish the younger generation would understand and appreciate how fortunate we are to be living in the U.S.A. To those who are dissatisfied and complain should only have a real conversation with those whose names appear on the memorials. The quote “ALL GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL” defines it to the point. My tour of duty in the Air Force seemed insignificant by comparison. Yet, I also served with pride and honor.
My salute to the current and future enlisted personnel and thanks for fighting to preserve our beautiful way of life. Not perfect but still the best. If in doubt, travel the world. There’s no place like home, America.
My sincere thanks and appreciation to the HONOR FLIGHT organization for the unforgettable experience which reminded me to be grateful. It’s easy in our hectic lives to lose our focus and priorities.
GOD bless our troops and country.
Bob McLellan
I had the distinct honor to be on the latest Honor Flight up to Washington D.C. to visit the memorials. It was the 2nd best day of my life, my wedding day being the first. From the very start when my guardian Jason picked me up until the end of a very long day/night when he brought me back home I cannot put into words what Honor Flight did for me and all the veterans on that day. The organization is run by all volunteers that put the veteran always first. All of them where so kind and thoughtful the entire trip. It was extremely emotional for me and I am sure many other veterans but I would not have missed this experience for anything. I hope that any veteran that is able to do so sign up for this amazing experience. The smiles….the hand shakes….the tears….the thank you’s…..will remain with me forever. In ending I want to give a huge THANK YOU to Jason for pulling off an amazing surprise for me as we walked up a path to the WWII memorial my tears of joy flowed like a river. Thanks again to all the Honor Flight family for this trip of a lifetime.
Ossie Hanauer
My husband was privileged to participate in an Honor Flight on May 6th that left Ft. Lauderdale at 5:00am and returned late the same evening having toured monuments and exhibits as an expression of gratitude for his military service. An Honor Flight is conducted by non-profit organizations dedicated to transporting as many United States military veterans as possible to see the memorials of the respective war they fought in Washington, DC, at no cost to the veterans.
During the flight home, he was presented with dozens of letters from veterans, children and our family and friends which were delivered as a “Mail Call” in a decorated mail envelope just as they received so many years ago while in the military.
The culmination of the day was that hundreds of people were at the airport to welcome them home. There were flags, signs, and flowers with cheers, applause, and shouts for our Veterans while not a dry eye was to be seen.
Since 2005 more than 273,500 veterans have been transported to our nation’s Capital to honor them for their service, sacrifice, and selflessness. In turn, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the hard-working and dedicated volunteers who coordinate these flights, and for their passion and commitment to honor our Veterans.
H.M.Zibman P.E. (Ret.)
I have just been on an Honor Flight through Honor Flight of South Florida. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life. The love, respect, and thanks experienced by all was incredible. The Legion, in fact everyone should look into this great organization and give it all the assistance it can. Their respect of our vets cannot be exaggerated!
Jennifer Checkoway
Hello Jim, Beverly, Mercy and everyone at Honor Flight South Florida;
I Just wanted to formally and officially thank you all for all that you do to make Honor Flight possible. My Mother and I are grateful for the amazing day and opportunity to have had this shared experience that will provide us with wonderful lifetime memories. I had lunch with Herb, my veteran, yesterday, and he is still flying high from his experience, which he references as one of the best days of his life!
I am happy to volunteer for anything if ever needed.
Thanks again!!!
Bob Delongchamp
To everyone on the Honor Flight Team – Mission Accomplished! Thank you so much for making the October 29th Honor Flight to Washington such a special day for my father. He loved everything about it. Please let all your volunteers that put this together know how much Chuck and our family appreciated it!
Henry Zibman
The trip was so well coordinated and organized, even General Patton would have been impressed. I got to shake the hands of Senator Marco Rubio and his lovely family, two four star generals, old people, young people, and especially Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. These people were the heroes that came out on a rainy night to welcome us. And mail call!!! WOW!!! What a surprise! Thank you so much. It is one of the best days of my life.
Roy Peltz
Being remembered in such a nice way meant so much. Thank you very much for the trip, the experience. I will remember this for the rest of my life. And to all the people involved, OUTSTANDING!
Charles Adderley
To all the volunteers of Honor Flight South Florida…The tour you gave me to the World War II Memorial and Washington….wow. All I can say is I have molded the day into a Gem, and have placed it now in the vault of my priceless memories.
Carol Luciano
I wanted to send this in and say that every Honor Flight South Florida staff member and volunteer is a hero. The patience, dedication, kindness and love you showed my dad was just simply amazing. The trip was awesome. Your tireless efforts did not go unnoticed. We will remember the flight and the staff, the kindness you showed, forever. All of you, the flight staff, and I’m sure the countless number of volunteers actually restored my faith in people. And the unbelievable greeting when we came home, the homecoming also made me believe in our fellow man.
Burton Belenke
I just woke up, it’s Sunday, and my thoughts of why I had such a great time yesterday on the honor flight? Why did our return to the airport show such an outpouring love, affection, and respect welcoming us home?
I feel I have the answer…
This is the greatest country in the world, and the people of America have a great love and belief in the principles of the constitution and declaration of independence.
I want to thank all those who planned this trip. Thanks you to everyone who had a part in giving me one of the best days of my life. And to the two wonderful women who were my Guardians, Pat and her daughter Jennifer…They gave freely of their time, money, energy and love. I had such a great time! I felt very well taken care of.
Again, I want to say thank you. I’m not sure the words “thank you” really can express how I feel.
Love to all…
The Peltz Family
Thank you all so very much for all your care and efforts! What an incredible day you created for these amazing Veterans.
Interested In Taking An Honor Flight?
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