To begin with I was in total awe at the airport upon our return from DC. I must thank Arlene Frankel as well as Andrea. Arlene, you put it all together.
50 plus years ago all of us who wore the uniform were called “baby killers” and spat upon. The Honor Flight reception was like stepping into a new world of military acceptance. You make us proud, and veterans have lived long enough to see the public’s opinion change toward us. I can honestly speak for those that died during those 50 years and they would say how grateful they are to know an organization such as yours exists.
I have only one regret on that wonderful night, while reviewing the video I didn’t notice a little 5 year old girl who wanted to shake my hand as I walked past her. Other than that, it was a life loving experience to salute you all. PS – I convinced my friend, army Vietnam vet, Larry of Davie to go on the next flight. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME SO MUCH JOY.