Peter Schubert


It was a privilege to be a participant of an HONOR FLIGHT to Washington DC on Saturday

9-17-2022. While it was a beautiful, patriotic day, the real emotions of the event did not catch up to me until the next day. As I sat back in the quiet setting of my home, I realized what a great country we really live in. It’s sad that we (self included) take so much for granted, especially our freedom. Reading and touching many of the memorials confirmed that a very heavy price was paid by thousands of men and women since the beginning of our country.

I wish the younger generation would understand and appreciate how fortunate we are to be living in the U.S.A. To those who are dissatisfied and complain should only have a real conversation with those whose names appear on the memorials. The quote “ALL GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL” defines it to the point. My tour of duty in the Air Force seemed insignificant by comparison. Yet, I also served with pride and honor.

My salute to the current and future enlisted personnel and thanks for fighting to preserve our beautiful way of life. Not perfect but still the best. If in doubt, travel the world. There’s no place like home, America.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to the HONOR FLIGHT organization for the unforgettable experience which reminded me to be grateful. It’s easy in our hectic lives to lose our focus and priorities.

GOD bless our troops and country.